Sunday, September 2, 2007

Now lookie here!
Sometimes you'll get
a special surprise in your
subscription email! It
could be a picture, a drawing,
a URL link, etc.etc.etc!
This could be one of them!
(I drew this my self!)
Just to let you know, all
of the emails will have something
to do with cats. Though, you can unsubscribe
at any moment. Just email me
at and say

you would like to unsubscribe to the Ally Cats Mailing List. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

My Cats!!!

These are my sweet kittens! Buddha , Jenji ,
and , Mantra.
You would never guess it even if you met them in person but, they are brothers!!!
today was there 4 month old birthday.They were born on April tenth.In cat years they would be exactly 6 years old.There mother Dulci, just recently died on July third when she was only 1 year old.(15 in cat years) She had 5 little boys and all of them lived. These are the kittens we kept. We gave one to my brother and we surrendered the last cat. Right now My Cats are in the living room with me.

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(to join the mailing list, please mention it in your email, or ask
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